Written By Cynthia Niles, BSN, RN
Photo Credit: PixaBay
One beautiful truth that has been forgotten is simple obedience brings glory to the Lord. And I am not referring to His Glory in just your own life. Rather, it is toward everyone around you. For we are a powerful fragrance that every soul can sense. To the soul on their way to life it is sweet, and to the soul on their way to death it is bitter. Nevertheless, we as children of the Light are a sweet aroma to the Living God when we choose to trust and follow Him.
Becoming beautifully obedient takes trust & time. Trust in God and who He says He is by faith. Time for Him to prove Himself holy or trustworthy to you. And yes, our God is a God who continually humbles Himself in order to prove Himself to His people. WOW!
“..Then the nations will know that I am the Lord,” declares the Lord God, “when I prove Myself holy among you in their sight.” Ezekiel 36:31.
The more you become obedient, the more He will reveal Himself to you. With that, let us return and be a people aiming to shine the light of Christ. Not just by the words we speak but by our actions as well. Let our actions glorify the Living God by walking in the truth, penetrating the dying world around us, drawing others closer to Him!
May we “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” in order for our actions to line up with who God says He is and who He says we are. For we are His children, His masterpiece, created for good works and for His glory.
Let us glorify His Name by choosing to be beautifully obedient today! For when we choose obedience over sacrifice, blessings always seem to follow.
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15.