HomeFar Beyond Our Own UnderstandingDaily DevotionalsFar Beyond Our Own Understanding

Far Beyond Our Own Understanding

One beautiful thing about believing in Christ is that the closer you draw near to Him, the closer He draws near to you. The more deep you go in your relationship with Him, the deeper His power will manifest within you. You will begin to experience the supernatural workings of God and His transforming power within your own life, the closer you draw near to Him.

Many times, when it comes to the supernatural workings of the Living God, we are unable to properly explain it, describe it, or put it into words. For even the prophets of old had a hard time putting the things of God into words, so they often used phrases like, “it was like” (Ezekiel 1).

Guess it makes sense because you see, the True and Living God is not a god of this world, since He created this world. He is not a god of the Universe, since He created that too. No, He is much more greater than that, far beyond our own ability to even comprehend or understand the magnitude of His greatness and power.

And the beauty of it all is that this God, the Creator of Hosts, still chooses to personally reveal Himself to all who seek Him through Christ. Who is Christ? For He is God’s Son, who was in the beginning as the Word, “and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John1).” For all things were created through Christ, even you and I. And it was the Word (Christ), that is, God’s Son, who voluntarily came down from Heaven, born into the body of Jesus, and dwelt among us in order to take on our own punishment as sinners, paying our deserved penalty, death. And it is Jesus Christ who makes it possible for people like you and I, to have a personal loving relationship with the Creator when we make the decision to fully trust in Jesus Christ with our lives.

Although every true believer can say that they know Him, there is not one who can say that they know everything about Him, which is the beauty of it. I absolutely love learning more and more about Him and communicating with Him. It amazes me that a God so holy, righteous, and pure still decides to meet His creation where we are at just to have a relationship with us! For He is a loving God and a merciful God, and a forgiving God. I love Him!

Believer In Christ, what have you learned to love most about our God and Savior?

10 thoughts on “Far Beyond Our Own Understanding

  1. Amen!!! So true! I have a post later this week, I think, with a quote talking about the same thing! When we look for Him, we will find Him. God is not hidden to us, we are the ones who are trying to hide. <3

    1. ohhh SO good sis! It’s always us trying to hide from Him. For when we seek Him with our whole hearts He will let us find Him, one of my favorite life verses! Do you have your testimony posted? Would love to read it!

      1. I believe we are given one more than testimony 🙂 I really need to write a post sharing why. But I do have some posts sharing testimonies. I can give you a link to one and a page sharing stories from my life and how God moved <3

  2. Beautifully written. As for God, I marvel at the beauty of His holiness. I love how God reveals Himself in so many ways. When I look at the birds and the color of the sky, it fills my heart with joy. How beautiful for the birds to sing a new song unto the Lord. They know just when to do it. I woke up one morning and it was 4am and I saw how quiet it was and the birds weren’t chirping. Everything was just still but it wasn’t until 5 something that I heard the birds chirping. It was so lovely. God is amazing indeed. The joy of knowing Him is more than enough for me. P.S. Happy New Year Cynthia :). I pray that this new year will bring forth more of God’s outpouring of love, joy, peace, favor to you and your loved ones. Have a wonderful 2019 🙂

    1. That is so beautiful and I can totally relate to those early morning hours. I find it absolutley amazing of how the birds will begin to chirp around the same time, (if not then very close to the same time) every single morning. Another testimony toward the many Wonders of God! Very beautiful! Thank you so much sis for your prayer. Happy New Years to you sis and I just read one of your posts “Unrestricted Worship,” –Very encouraging! Looking forward to reading more from you! Blessings to you!

  3. I take comfort in knowing that while others may reject me; God never will. And before God I didn’t feel loved but letting God in my life; I realized he loved me even I pushed him away. And through him I have learned compassion and how to better love those around me. Simple put God is good. Amen

    1. Amen brother and such a beautiful testimony! Jesus said that people will reject those who follow Him. But as we continue in tasting and seeing how good the Lord is, the rejections will turn into a small matter! 🙂 Blessings to you!

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